
HUSNG Hyper Turbo Masters

Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $19.99.

  • Top-level poker experts provide nearly 6 hours of premium training content.
  • Videos focus on practical gameplay, hand analysis, and leak identification for intermediate and advanced players.
  • Authors like Chadders0, HokieGreg, and Mersenneary have significant poker earnings and professional experience.


What is HUSNG Hyper Turbo Masters for Cheap?

This premium level video pack is authored by professional level players Chadders0, HokieGreg, Mersenneary, Shortsharpshock/Carryhero and U cnat spel. With live play, hand review, leakfinder and slideshow format videos, this pack is designed for intermediate level players and above. With almost 6 hours of brand new content, the videos are sure to help dedicated players move forward in their progression. Below we introduce the authors of this pack.



Richard “Chadders0” Chadwick started making videos on HUSNG a little over a year ago. He created the very first hyper turbo pack, an incredibly popular guide to beating this format. His pack was hailed as “An excellent series for aspiring hyper turbo professionals” by Serkules himself, the 2012 profit leader for hyper turbos, with over 1 million in profit after rakeback. Chadders himself has over $150,000 in profits, and has moved up from the $60 level in late 2011 all the way as high as the $500 and $1,000 buyin games today.



Greg “HokieGreg” Tiller has been a professional poker player since 2008. His original blog became a poker world sensation as players followed his honesty about his undisciplined early days, morphing into an incredibly balanced and strong player today. Greg currently leads the staking program, with his private coaching and group classes receiving a very loyal following. He also plays on the Revolution Network as HokieGreg. Greg was Mersennary’s first choice to take over lead role in the FastTrack Program as well and filled that role successfully.



Maxwell “Mersenneary” Fritz is known as the pioneer of high level super turbo videos and content. His 60+ end game videos on are considered gold by many great players. His psychology degree from Princeton and classroom teaching experience combine with his estimated $160,000 in hyper turbo profit to make him one of the most complete heads up sit and go coaches there is. He has also authored the free 65+ page ebook on this site and ran the incredibly popular FastTrack Program, a private study group for dedicated players.



Dan “Shortsharpshock,” also known as Carryhero on PokerStars, has over 1 million in lifetime heads up sit and go profit after rakeback. He’s been racking up dominating wins over top caliber opponents for years. When he’s not traveling, he resides in Las Vegas, where he spends most of his time playing live cash. He also plays on the Revolution Network under Carryhero and on the Merge Network under Carryher0. Dan’s videos on HUSNG have been popular ever since his first appearance in a pair of Melanie Weisner guest videos. He is known for giving straight analysis, only focusing on the important parts of a video or hand, with no wasted side talk or irrelevant analysis.


U cnat spel

Christopher “U cnat spel” Mayer, also known as coffee n ciggz, is considered a dangerous hyper turbo opponent. His videos in late 2012 for were known for their high level of quality. He has solid experience at both PokerStars and Full Tilt and you can currently find him in the $200 and $300 level buyin hypers.


Producer: Chadders0, HokieGreg, Mersenneary, Shortsharpshock (Carryhero) and U cnat spel

Length: Approximately 5 hours and 52 minutes




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HUSNG Hyper Turbo Masters Breakdown

1. Chadders – A $200 level buyin game that shows how to exploit a typical opponent at this level and gain an edge. (Running time: 25 minutes)

2. Chadders – Richard plays a match against a regular opponent and utilizes the CoffeeHUD.  (Running time: 16 minutes)

3. Chadders – This video takes place at the $1,000 buyin level on Full Tilt Poker. (Running time: 21 minutes)

4. HokieGreg – Greg starts this video off by analyzing the stats he has on his opponent, using the CoffeeHUD. He talks about how his opponent’s tendencies shape his strategy, then reviews the match via the PokerTracker 4 replayer. (Running time: 16 minutes)

5. HokieGreg – This $200 level match is reviewed in the same manner of the last video, with a breakdown of the important stats and tendencies on his opponent, and then diving right into hand analysis. (Running time: 15 minutes)

6. HokieGreg – A high stakes hyper turbo regular is the opponent in this video. Greg talks about how a very high caliber opponent can still have leaks, and how to focus on finding those leaks. (Running time: 17 minutes)

7. HokieGreg – Greg faces off against a familiar opponent at the $100 level in this video. He talks about how to find weaknesses to attack against a thinking player and reviews his stats prior to play once again. (Running time: 18 minutes)

8. Mersenneary – Maxwell makes use of his “Deck of Leaks”, a compilation of hand histories from his coaching history showing frequent errors made by students. He focuses on preflop hand selection and argues that due to the frequency of that category of mistakes, they are likely the most important for students to seek out. The goal: Identify what made FastTrack successful, and try to transfer that knowledge in this video pack. (Running time: 41 minutes)

9. Mersenneary – This video continues with the “Deck of Leaks” to talk about other common preflop mistakes. He uses graphs to show expectation of calling vs. 3-betting hands out of position, and talks extensively about overusing the limp and punishing other players who do so. (Running time: 44 minutes)

10. Mersenneary- He finishes the hand history compilation by analyzing frequent errors in postflop play. Among the leaks analyzed: Weak-tight play, fancy play syndrome, missing turn leads, passivity with marginal hands, missing bluff opportunities, and making bad bluffs. (Running time: 48 minutes)

11. Shortsharpshock (Carry Hero) – Dan plays a pair of tough thinking opponents in this video, both at the $100 hyper turbo level on PokerStars. (Running time: 54 minutes)

12. U Cnat Spel – Chris reviews hands using HEM in this video, with slides mixed in. The video is broken down into three sections; Basic 3 barrel spots, 3-bet shoving hands and  fish frying techniques. (Running time: 35 minutes) Hyper Turbo Masters Benefits:

  • Comprehensive Expert Analysis: Learn from professional poker players with proven success, enhancing your poker strategy and increasing your chances of winning.
  • Actionable Strategies: Each video provides concrete, easy-to-implement strategies designed to exploit common opponent mistakes, helping you gain an edge quickly.
  • Focus on Winning Margins: The content emphasizes identifying leaks and optimizing gameplay, leading to consistent, profitable results in hyper turbo tournaments.

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