
Six Plus Holdem Starting Hand Charts Vol. 3 (ISO vs. limps)

Original price was: $79.00.Current price is: $25.00.

  • Master Isolation-Raising Strategies: Learn optimal ranges for ISO-raising and limping behind in 6+ Holdem, tailored for frequent in-game scenarios.
  • Detailed Strategy Guide: An 8-page guide with hand examples, equity tables, and limp-shove analysis ensures rapid skill improvement and fewer costly mistakes.
  • Data-Driven Success: Charts are based on population tendencies from ~1 million hands, optimized for 100a-200a stack sizes on 5-6 handed tables.


Six Plus Holdem Starting Hand Charts Vol. 3 CHEAP

In this volume of hand charts we have covered the very important aspect of isolation-raising vs limps. It’s essential to know your ranges when isolating limpers, because this scenario happens non-stop in 6+ Holdem.

You will also see which hands should be limped behind, but the focus of this volume is the ISO-ing part of the game.

Additionally a very thorough guide and explanation on how to play vs one, two or more limpers, which will surely help you improve quickly.

Just like the other charts that we have published, this was created based on population tendencies of a database of ~ 1 million hands, for 100a-200a stack sizes on 5-6 handed tables.




Chart ex.:

QTs in this chart example is a mixed frequency of limping behind / ISO vs LP (late position), which means it should be limped behind vs an EP limp and ISO-raised vs an LP limp (100a-200a deep).


After a lot of interest in our first volume of the Starting Hand Chart and a good deal of positive feedback, we have finally finished a more advanced preflop guide on how to play your hands when facing either an open raise or an isolation raise meaning there has been limp(s) and an ISO raise.

While you still have to think and make adjustments while playing, these charts will help you improve your game, fix leaks and move up in stakes quickly.

This volume offers twice as many charts as the previous one, with a more complex subject matter. The charts contain optimal preflop decisions that are based on population tendencies from a database of ~ 1 million hands. We created the charts for 5-6 handed plays with 100-200 ante stacksize.


Vol. 3 features:

  • 10 hand charts for “Isolation raising vs. limps” (MP vs 2 limpers, HJ vs 1, HJ vs 2, HJ vs. 3, CO vs 1, CO vs 2, CO vs. 3, BTN vs 1, BTN vs 2, BTN vs 3 or more limpers.)
  • Equity table with hand examples on which hands to call when our opponents limp/shove vs your ISO-raise and how we perform with certain hands.
  • 8 pages of valuable strategy content including oRanges calculator analysis with limp-shoving ranges 150a deep and 200a deep examples, chart legend explanations and more.

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