
Carlos Xuma

Original price was: $147.00.Current price is: $9.99.


What is a Carlos Xuma for Cheap?

Carlos Xuma was one of the first dating coaches to emphasize improving yourself and your lifestyle, being comfortable with your masculinity and working on confidence and other aspects of inner game in order to get more success with women. He has been active in the dating advice community since the early 2000’s and has created several dating advice programs and books.

Carlos believes that many of the problems that men experience in dating are due to the socialization they undergo from a young age in which they are taught to suppress their natural masculine tendencies. In his teachings he puts the focus on self-confidence which he believes is built upon self-esteem (how worthy a man feels he his), self-image (how he can imagine himself behaving and acting) and self-confidence (how sure he about his world and his abilities). In addition he teaches about three things that make a man attractive to a woman; self-discipline, self-confidence and a sense of humor. “One thing that is critical for developing the type of attraction that will lead to your eventual seduction success is learning how to build and nurture the sexual tension between you”. “Independent, secure singles don’t seek other people’s approval. They can stand alone and separate of their opinion, and it doesn’t ruffle their feathers if someone doesn’t like something they did or said.” “Don’t be afraid of that tension. Feed off it and escalate it. This will make the difference between the person that walks away with the sweet taste of an attractive single on his lips… or the bland and disappointing taste of their “friendship”.” “The single behavior that shoots down more potential relationships and is completely under your control is …. coming on to a woman too strong.” “Guys are trying to be “easy going” and cool, but they’re actually being perceived as weak-kneed little girls.” “The great thing about taking initiative is that by doing this, you actually demonstrate two other POWERFUL traits that draw women in like moths to a flame: Ambition and Power.” “SHOCK someone… Be different. Ask yourself: How alive are you willing to be? Dare to live your life on your own terms, and you’ll feel a sense of liberation and Alpha Masculinity that will open up a new world to you.” “What I advise is that you should never rely ,ONLY, on memorized routines. That’s when you’re fake, and women won’t respond to it. Be REAL with women and you’ll have much more success. And let’s be clear: this is NOT the same thing as just be yourself.”



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