
Alex Fitzgerald Dissecting The Donk Bet

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  • Confidently utilize donk betting as a powerful post-flop strategy.
  • Identify optimal situations for donk betting based on your hand, board texture, and opponent tendencies.
  • Master sizing and timing to maximize the effectiveness of your donk bets.


What is Alex Fitzgerald Dissecting The Donk Bet for Cheap?

Are you sick of other players being able to continuation bet into you with seemingly nothing?


Make more money postflop with this series on donk betting!

In this video strategy guide, find out why you need to lead with top pairs, sets, flush draws, and backdoor draws.

Learn the sizing tricks that help you take away the pot, even when you’re out of position.

Also, find out what turn cards and players are good to keep attacking, and when you should lay off.

Discover all of this and much much more!


What you’ll learn

  • What to look for in an opponent

  • Why small draws benefit from donk leading

  • Statistics analysis

  • Opponent’s HUD breakdown

  • Ways to avoid losses

  • Finding leaks in your opponent’s play

  • Why we don’t donk-lead pairs

  • How we can identify donk-bettors

  • Flopzilla analysis

  • Playing a mediocre draw

  • Donk leading with a flush-draw

  • One pair in a 3-way pot

  • 3-bet semi-bluffing

  • Playing from the big blind


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Alex Fitzgerald Dissecting The Donk Bet Index

4 sections • 9 lectures • 3h 58m total length


  • The Origin of the donk bet 20:53
  • Statistics 29:45
  • More hand analysis 23:13
  • Real hands analysis 27:23
  • Balance or exploit 26:08
  • Small blind and big blind 28:16
  • Our donk-lead is raised 28:07
  • Donk leading with a set 28:02
  • Questions and answers 27:05


Alex Fitzgerald Dissecting The Donk Bet Conclusions

  1. Dissecting The Donk Bet teaches players how to effectively lead with strong hands and draws to disrupt opponents’ strategies.
  2. The guide includes detailed analysis on bet sizing, opponent tendencies, and statistical breakdowns to optimize postflop play.
  3. Practical examples and hand analysis help players apply these strategies in real games to improve their results.

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