
Andrew Martin IM – ABC of the Modern Benoni

Original price was: $29.95.Current price is: $5.00.


What is Andrew Martin IM ABC of the Modern Benoni for Cheap?

Product Description

The Modern Benoni is one of the sharpest and most controversial replies to 1.d4. In return for active pieces and a Queenside pawn majority, Black voluntarily inherits a position with the clear defect of a weak, backward pawn on d6 – a trade-off which invariably leads to razor-sharp play. On this Chessbase DVD, International Master Andrew Martin will teach you all the nuts and bolts of this fascinating opening, shows you when to duck and when to punch with Black and tackles some of the most critical move-orders of the day. The opening is dissected, so that players of all levels will learn how the Black position ticks and the typical ideas that White may adopt to try to put the Benoni out of business. In the final analysis, this is an inspiring tour which will encourage you to try this opening yourself! .

Martin is a professional chess teacher and coach in England (currently teaching at eight schools) and is the chief coach of the English national Junior squad (ages 8-18). He was coach to four World Youth Champions and a host of English national junior champions – clearly Martin understands how to communicate chess knowledge to his students with great success and outstanding results!



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