
Andrew Martin IM – ABC of the Modern Slav

Original price was: $29.95.Current price is: $5.00.


What is Andrew Martin IM ABC of the Modern Slav – 2nd Edition for Cheap?

Product Description

1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Nf3. The Slav defense to the Queen’s Gambit has always had a solid reputation, dating back to the days of Lasker, Alekhine and Capablanca, but it has been only in the last 15 years that the popularity of the opening has really taken off and taken off at all levels.

Naturally, Slav set-ups and ideas can also be used against the other Flank openings (1 Nf3, 1 c4, 1 b3 etc.) and so by learning the Slav, in a way you are learning a universal approach. In this DVD, you will find ideas for Black which can be used by amateur and professional alike, predominantly featuring the trendy new approach to Black’s armory involving a very early …a7-a6. The …a6 Slav offers Black solidity, dynamism and variety couched in an easy-to-understand setting. Perhaps this is why grandmasters of the calibre of Kasparov, Shirov, Morozevich, Bologan and Dreev, among others, have all used the opening with success and continue to do so!

Video playing time: 3 h 30.

Martin is a professional chess teacher and coach in England (currently teaching at eight schools) and is the chief coach of the English national Junior squad (ages 8-18). He was coach to four World Youth Champions and a host of English national junior champions – clearly Martin understands how to communicate chess knowledge to his students with great success and outstanding results!



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