
Igor Smirnov – Winning The Middlegame

Original price was: $119.00.Current price is: $9.99.


What is Igor Smirnov Winning The Middlegame for Cheap?

Common players don’t know clearly what to do in the middlegame. In the opening stage, one needs to develop one’s pieces, but after that it’s much harder to find the right moves.

There are many tutorials that cover different strategic and tactical ideas, but there’s no a single and clear guide. This course is designed to provide you with such a guide ―a CLEAR PRACTICAL GUIDE to middlegame play!

This course is designed mainly for students at a 1500-2000 rating level. However, it will still be useful for higher rated students as well.

For students of a lower rating, I would advise to start with The Grandmaster’s Secrets or The Grandmaster’s Positional Understanding course.

Here are some of the KEY CONCEPTS covered in this course



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