
Jan Gustafsson GM – Black Repertoire against 1.e4 Vol. 2 – The Open Games

Original price was: $32.90.Current price is: $5.00.


What is Jan Gustafsson GM Black Repertoire against 1.e4 Vol. 2 – The Open Games for Cheap?

The DVD answers those questions and many more. Based on his own Black repertoire, GM Jan Gustafsson provides you with all the tools you could need to succesfully combat 1.e4 with 1…e5! Learn why 4…Nf6 spells trouble for Scotch enthusiasts, how to deal with the Evans Gambit and why the King’s Gambit should be accepted.

Popular lines like 5.d3 in the Spanish are covered, just like the Four Knights, the Ponziani or the Vienna Game, exotic lines like 1.e4 e5 2.Bc4 Nf6 3.d4 get their treatment as well.

Many novelties and improvements over existing theory are to be found along the way.

After watching this DVD you will no longer fear your opponent’s deviations from a main line Spanish, in fact, you will positively hope for them! In 19 chapters with a running time of 5h 34, you can complete your e4 e5 repertoire.



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