
Leon Ivaic IM – Dismantling King’s Indian Razor – Sharp Makagonov

Original price was: $79.98.Current price is: $9.99.


What is Leon Ivaic IM Dismantling King’s Indian Razor – Sharp Makagonov for Cheap?

The King’s Indian Defense (or KID for short) may be fearsome and fun to play, but…

Next time someone springs it against you, remember:

Almost none of the top players today counter 1.d4 with the KID…because every super-grandmaster and their favorite AI engine knows it’s double-edged and extremely provocative for comfort.

The King’s Indian Defense abandons the center, gives up way too many squares too early in the game, and stakes everything on tactical complications.

With an expert to teach you the ropes, you can turn those positional trumps – which the KID gives up willy-nilly – into big fat WINs you’d be proud to show.

International Master Leon Livaic is an anti-King’s Indian Defense specialist. And in his first Chessable course, he shows how you can…

Make The KID Regret Giving You The Center And
Take Over The Initiative Yourself!

The winning formula inside Dismantling The King’s Indian Defense: The Razor-Sharp Makagonov is simple:

First, build a formidable center with 1.d4, 2.c4, 3.Nc3, and 4.e4. Next, nip g4-based counterplay in the bud with the star move 5.h3. And finally, bolster your pawn phalanx with 6.Be3.

From here, the chessboard is your oyster, and…

IM Livaic, who plays the Makagonov himself, gives you his home-brewed novelties and tournament-tested strategies for securing a massive advantage.

Inside Dismantling The King’s Indian Defense: The Razor-Sharp Makagonov, you will learn how to:

🔧 Crash through Black’s kingside after 6…e5, with Qd2, Bh6, and h2-h4-h5. All while nipping the …f7-f5 counter-play in the bud with your g4-pawn and g3-knight.

(Best part: Under-2500 players go for 6…e5 about 90% of the time. So you’ll have plenty of opportunities to score fine attacking wins.)

🔧 Step up your pawn storm to the third gear after 5…Nbd7!? by harassing misplaced enemy pieces on the kingside.

🔧 Enjoy all the winning chances versus 5…e5 or 5…c5 sidelines. You’ll head straight for a pleasant endgame that’s near-impossible to lose.

🔧 Choke the life out of the solid 6…c5 by switching to favorable Maroczy Bind structures. Not only will you have unshakable control of the light squares. A kingside offensive based on Bd2-h6-xg7 is always in the cards, too.

🔧 PLUS, precise move orders and cutting-edge plans versus lesser-known tries also included.

With only 159 trainable variations, this anti-KID repertoire is as lightweight as it could get. But the heavy-hitting lines inside can bring you sensational victories for the years to come. You only have to take the first step today.



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