
Lifetime Repertoires – Black vs the English, Reti and Sidelines

Original price was: $99.98.Current price is: $9.99.


What is Lifetime Repertoires Black vs the English, Reti and Sidelines GM Sam Shankland for Cheap?

Here’s what you’ll get from the course…

👌 A complete solution to 1.c4, 1.Nf3, and other sidelines. All 207 trainable lines lets you fight for the full point…but without the information overload.

👌 Become an expert FAST. The author’s crystal-clear commentary clues you in on the plans, ideas, and strategies behind the moves.

👌 Includes 6 hours and 31 minutes of video, where Shankland gives you playing tips and mental shortcuts to shorten your learning curve.

👌 Get a break-down of the essential middlegame strategies at the end of every variation. So you will always know what to do after the opening.

👌 Rock-solid and easy to remember.

👌 Score quick wins against inaccurate play. Know White’s most common pawn-pushing mistakes, and how to punish them move by move.

👌 Equalize with ease against random first moves. Take the sting out of the Grob (1. g4) , the Bird (1. f4), and other unorthodox openings, and steer the direction of the game into familiar and comfortable middlegames.

👌 Neutralize 1.b3 in one chapter. The devious Nimzo-Larsen opening can transpose to 1.c4 and 1.Nf3 positions and vice-versa. But the reversed London System disables these traps and guarantees you a harmonious position.

Too Real For Reality TV: Sam Shankland was that chess whiz turned machete-wielding jungle survivor. One who had many “too honest for his own good” moments on an outdoor reality show.

But that’s fantastic news for you…because he brings his vintage brutal honesty to this repertoire!

He has played these lines with impressive results at 2700+ GM level…and he’s sharing his discoveries with you.

Every variation, positional assessment, and recommended plan has been tested in the lab and over the board, against top 100 players!

👌 Turn White’s transposition tricks on their heads. Don’t let White steer the game into an e4-opening or sneakily transpose to a Fianchetto Grünfeld after 1.Nf3.

👌 Includes 9 model games with Shankland’s commentary. So you can copy the strategy of the greats, and use them in your games.

👌 Play the toughest competition with confidence. Shankland took advantage of analytical holes and hidden resources other authors and books missed. So you stay a step ahead even against booked-up opponents.



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