
Melanie Evans – Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program

Original price was: $395.00.Current price is: $29.99.


What is a Melanie Evans Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program for Cheap?

Have suffered psychological and emotional abuse from a narcissist leading to anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Are plagued with obsessive repetitive thoughts that no amount of talking, researching or trying to force accountability and getting justice relieves.

Experience a pervasive, addictive, mystifying, all-consuming “pull” towards the abuser that appears like an unbreakable “soul bond” no matter what you try to free yourself from the attachment.

Suffer physical symptoms as a result of narcissistic abuse including adrenal fatigue, fibromyalgia, sleeping and food disorders and addictions to try to numb the pain.

Are stuck in a destructive pattern of establishing and then breaking, “No Contact” with a toxic person and can’t seem to stop the, “make-up” to “break-up” cycle.

Struggle with feelings of inadequacy and low self-worth as a result of narcissistic abuse that leave you feeling broken and lacking confidence.

Suffer from rapidly fluctuating emotions that cycle through anger, resentment, despair, regret and heartbreak and leave you feeling like you’ll never feel “normal” again.

Aren’t able to trust themselves and others as a result of the manipulation and dishonesty inflicted by the narcissist.

Struggle to make healthy decisions, generate support and establish clear boundaries with people, authority figures and in social situations, as a result of the trauma from the abuse.



💬 Feel free to REACH OUT to our CHAT support for personalized assistance and detailed information tailored to your needs. We’re here to help!