
Milovan Ratkovic — Reti Opening Mastermind

Original price was: $129.00.Current price is: $9.99.


What is Milovan Ratkovic Reti Opening Mastermind for Cheap?

IM Milovan Ratkovic reveals…

A Complete System for White Allowing You to Play Simple Move-Orders and Get Great Positions No Matter What Black Does

In 1924 Capablanca was considered unbeatable in the chess world… winning even the strongest tournaments by big margins with superbly clear and overwhelmingly strong play.

But along came Round 5 of the New York tournament where he faced Czech legend Richard Reti as black.

Violating the traditional opening principles of the time, Reti played 1.Nf3 and then 2.c4, fianchettoed both bishops and sought to control the center from a distance.

reti opening

Was he mad?

He was facing the greatest player in history after all… the “chess machine”!

The crowd smirked and whispered their criticisms until they saw the final outcome fast approaching.

Capablanca was crushed and resigned on just his 31st move.

And thus was born the Reti Opening.

Nowadays we know that this opening is a deadly weapon for those who HATE theory and LOVE dynamic positional chess without memorization of sharp lines.

Legends like Vladimir Kramnik became world champion playing 1.Nf3 alone for decades.

And now it is your turn.

IM Miljan Ratkovic has just released his brand new Reti Opening Mastermind, a 10-hour course completely explaining all of the lines and plans you’ll need to make it your main weapon.

If you are tired of the drudgery of learning e4/d4 theory and want to just smash opponents with superior UNDERSTANDING… this is the opening for you.

3 Reasons to Switch to IM Ratkovic’s Slav Defense Today!

  • The Kingside Pawn-Storm that STUNS Black and DESTROYS his Position: Just when black thinks his position is solid with his bishop outside the pawn chain…you play g4! and h4! with a FORCED attack on the kingside he could never have expected!
  • How to SLICE His Position with Two Bishops in the …Bf5 line: Often black will try a crude attack with …Bf5 and …Qc8/d7 aiming for …Bh3! In Chapter 4 you’ll discover a simple way to nip this in the bud and emerge with a crushing positional advantage thanks to your bishop pair!
  • A “Bolt from the Blue” Piece Sac that Devastates the …dxc4 line: Black grabs a pawn and tries to hold it…what do you do? You use IM Ratkovic’s stunning Nac4!! And just throw your knight into the fire! Why? Find out your shocking (and easily winning) response in Chapter 3!

In addition to your 10-hours of intensive training videos, you also get detailed PGN files on every line black could possibly play… with ALL the winning responses you’ll need.

Interested? Let me help you get started.

Interested? Let me help you get started.

Reti Opening Mastermind with IM Milovan Ratkovic – video course [10 hours 12 minutes]

Reti Mastermind features IM Milovan Ratkovic training you for TEN hours in how to master this dangerous system…complete with updated, cutting edge ideas from his own analysis.

Complete set of PGNs

Downloadable, complete set of PGNs of everything covered so that you can analyze it at your own pace and convenience. A must-have treasure chest for any serious player.

Access to Practicum

Train the important attacking motifs with a set of specifically designed tasks and challenges. The practical part is an important element of the course.



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