
Nigel Davies GM – Play the exchange variation against the Caro-Kann in 60 min

Original price was: $9.90.Current price is: $5.00.


What is Nigel Davies GM Play the exchange variation against the Caro-Kann in 60 min for Cheap?

The Exchange Variation (1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.exd5 cxd5 4.Bd3) is a simple and easy to learn answer to the Caro-Kann. By clarifying the central tension White gives himself a clear plan of attack using the half open e-file and the e5 square.

This is far from easy for Black to meet as Bobby Fischer, Jan Timman, Walter Browne and other leading Grandmasters have demonstrated in their games. Black too has his resources but he needs to know what he’s doing. On this DVD you will find a clear explanation of the strategy for both sides as well as answers to popular treatments such as 4…Nc6 5.c3 Qc7. Whilst the main focus is on the White side of this opening you will also find ways for Black to defend.



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