
Peter Svidler GM – The Grunfled According to Svidler

Original price was: $299.98.Current price is: $15.00.


What is Peter Svidler GM The Grunfled According to Svidler for Cheap?

If you love positions that are razor-sharp… but 100% sound… where you give up material for the initiative… then the Grünfeld may be the ideal weapon for you against 1.d4.

It’s been played by almost all of today’s top Grandmasters, but one stands out above all the others: Peter Svidler.

The eight-time Russian champion has been playing the Grünfeld regularly for over 25 years. So it’s no surprise that people have been begging us to ask Peter to create a Grünfeld course for Chessable.

Well, that course is finally here!

In Lifetime Repertoires: Peter Svidler’s Grünfeld – Part 1, Peter gives you a comprehensive Grünfeld repertoire – updated with the latest ideas and checked with strongest chess engines.

Part 2 – is a repertoire for Grünfeld players against the 1. c4 and 1. Nf3 Anti-Grünfelds, and 1.d4 sidelines like the London and the Trompowsky.

These lines have been hand-picked to help you create exciting positions – even if White wants to run away from the fight.

Unbalanced positions and razor-sharp tactics

That’s because the Grünfeld is all about unbalanced positions and razor-sharp tactics.

Black lets White build a pawn center… then attacks that center with his pawns and pieces – often sacrificing material.

So it’s a battle to the death between White’s space advantage and Black’s development and activity.

And, that’s what Lifetime Repertoires: Peter Svidler’s Grünfeld – Part 1 is all about. You’ll discover how to…

👊🏼 Fight for the full point by creating unbalanced positions where your opponent has to walk a tactical tightrope to make it to the middlegame.

👊🏼 Seize the initiative with shocking pawn, piece and exchange sacrifices.

👊🏼 Blast open the center while White’s king is still a sitting duck on e1.

👊🏼 Develop with tempo by pressurizing White’s pawn centre until it cracks.

👊🏼 Breathe fire into boring positions if white tries to play for a draw.

👊🏼 And much more

This Lifetime Repertoire covers just about everything White can play against the Grünfeld – including anti-Grünfeld moves like 3. f3.

Over the course of 1,000+ engine-checked variations, over 34 hours of video and a Quickstarter with 36 core variations, you can learn from the world’s leading expert.

But, if 1,000 lines seems overwhelming, don’t worry: Peter has picked out 189 lines as being the ones you most need to know. And you can train with just those lines by setting Learn to “Important only.”



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