
PLOTheory Advanced PLO Theory Volume 1

Original price was: $1,000.00.Current price is: $89.99.

  • PLO Theory Volume 1 is designed to build a strong theoretical foundation for understanding and mastering pot-limit Omaha.
  • The book covers core concepts such as combinatorics, equity, expected value, and game theory, providing a comprehensive framework for analyzing PLO hands and situations.
  • This foundational knowledge is essential for developing effective strategies and making profitable decisions in PLO games.


What is PLOTheory Advanced PLO Theory Volume 1 by Tom Chambers for Cheap?

Volume 1: Theory Foundations (294 pages) is focused on the structural fundamentals of pot-limit omaha, including combinatorics, equity, expected value, and game theory.


Chapter 1: Basic Combinatorics

This chapter is the shortest and most basic chapter in the book.  It describes the math behind choosing cards from a 52-card deck and covers its relevance for PLO.

Chapter 2: Basic Board Texture provide a straightfoward, detailed introduction to their respective topics. These two chapters are provided in the free preview

This chapter defines flop texture categories in terms of connectedness, suitedness, and rank.  It introduces a classification scheme that covers all possible flops.

Chapter 3: Advanced Combinatorics

This chapter covers the implications of card-removal on the basic combinatorics introduced in Chapter 1.  It has two main sections which have been split into three modules.

The first (Module 3A) deals with the core card-removal cases (flop given known hand, hand given known flop, hand given known flop and hand).

The second (Modules 3B and 3C) uses the connectedness categories developed in Chapter 2 alongside basic pairedness and suitedness combinatorics to enable a comprehensive analysis of how hands hit flops in different ways.

Chapter 4: Equity

  • This chapter covers equity calculations, or the probability a particular hand-board combination has to win a pot at showdown, either against other specific hands or against a range of hands.
  • The balance on the flop of three known cards and two cards to come increases the breadth of possibilities and makes flop equity the most interesting of the streets to study equity, so it dominates Chapter 4.
  • Chapter 4 has been split into three modules, one on basic hand versus hand matchups (Module 4A), one on hand versus range matchups (Module 4B), and one on equity distributions (Module 4C).

Chapter 5: Expected Value

This chapter addresses a fundamental element in designing betting strategies.  An accurate expected value calculation requires that we know the combinatoric makeup of our opponent’s range, can set assumptions about the actions he will take in response to our possible actions, and then calculate the value of a prospective betting strategy.

Module 5A deals with how to set up these equations and works through some of the more interesting multi-street PLO expected value calculations.   Module 5B addresses facing a 4-bet from likely AA**.

Chapter 6: Game Theory.

This chapter covers the interaction of strategies and counterstrategies, using a branch of mathematics called game theory.

It includes sections introducing basic game theory concepts as well as applied material directed at specific important PLO situations and questions.

These chapters establish the theoretical infrastructure needed for Volume 2: Six-Max Strategy, which includes a complete analysis of online six-handed games.

For details on each chapter and descriptions of their modules, click on the respective link above.

​Volume 1 is available as part of a full book purchase ($2,500) or individually for $1,000. And Here With Mad Discount.

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