
PLOTheory Start The Climb by Tom Chambers

Original price was: $129.00.Current price is: $9.99.

  • Learn foundational PLO strategy: Understand the core principles of Pot-Limit Omaha, including starting hand selection, position, and redraws.
  • Designed for beginners: Gain the knowledge you need to start improving your PLO results.
  • Structured content: Follow a well-organized curriculum for optimal learning.


What is PLOTheory Start The Climb by Tom Chambers for Cheap?

Start The Climb by Tom Chambers is a beginner-focused course on PLO fundamentals.

The course emphasizes strong starting hand selection, understanding positional play, and the importance of redraw potential for hand value.

This course aims to provide a systematic approach that will guide new players through the foundational concepts needed to improve their PLO game.

Duration: 2hrs+

Parts: 2

Weight: 1Gb

Format: .FLV

Subtitles: Yes

Transcription: Yes


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PLOTheory Start The Climb by Tom Chambers Proof

PLOTheory Start The Climb by Tom Chambers Proof

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