
VECO – Vol#4 – The Open Catalan

Original price was: $39.95.Current price is: $5.00.


What is VECO Vol#4 – The Open Catalan for Cheap?

The Open Catalan begins with the moves 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 4.g3 dxc4 5.Bg2. (See the diagram).

The Catalan Opening is one of those openings you really should have in your locker.

The Catalan takes the best bits of the Queen’s Gambit and Reti Opening to give you easy development, a sound position, and rich, creative play. It was used extensively by Vladimir Kramnik during his World Chess Championship matches.

Now IM Robert Ris has put together a new 3 hour course that teaches you how to get great positions with the Open Catalan.


Chapter Content:

  • Lesson 1 – Open Catalan with 7.dxc5
  • Lesson 2 – Open Catalan with 5…Bd7, 9…0-0-0
  • Lesson 3 – Open Catalan with 7.Na3 and 7.Ne5
  • Lesson 4 – Open Catalan with 7.Qa4
  • Lesson 5 – Open Catalan 5…Bd7, Move 6 Alternatives
  • Lesson 6 – Open Catalan with 5…Bd7, 9…Rd8



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